Effects of Herbs and High-Intensity Exercise Training on Antioxidant Properties Regarding Weight Management and Exercise-Related Variables: A Review
It has been determined that high-intensity exercise training is associated with the production of oxidative stress factors leading to a reduction in the efficiency and physical functioning of rapid reaction forces. Conversely, high levels of physical activity and coping with oxidative stress factors (using supplements) are highly suggested for rapid reaction forces. Hence, the present study sought to examine the effects of plants and high-intensity exercise on antioxidant properties associated with weight management and some related factors. The literature on this research was collected from the PubMed archive on January 31, 2019, and included the keywords, high-intensity exercise training, herb and overweight. To date, 15,000 articles have been published on the PubMed archive with the keyword 'herb', 4473 articles have been published concerning high-intensity exercise training, and 94 articles related to the present review article are categorized into two categories of complete and abstract texts. All the articles were classified according to the novelty before being examined. Rapid reaction forces need to increase physical activity in order to have better functions. Likewise, they use plants and herbal supplements owing to maintaining physical fitness, and counteract the effects of oxidative stress caused by high-intensity exercise. Consequently, a comprehensive and efficient research that would adequately indicate the side effects and the effectiveness of these plants had to be carried out. The use of herbs and supplements will depend on the purpose of the individuals, particularly rapid reaction forces. If the goal of these forces is to increase their vigilance as well as their reaction and to postpone fatigue in missions, Ginseng and caffeine are the best plants, and if they seek to maintain physical fitness and reduce body fat, green tea is the best option. Nutritional interventions and the use of supplements (antioxidant, herbal and physical activity enhancers) are effective ways of protecting rapid reaction forces against the effects of oxidative stress caused by high-intensity exercise and maintaining fitness. Remarkably, despite the positive effects of plants, the excessive consumption of these supplements induces certain side effects on the kidneys and stomach. Likewise, they should be used cautiously.References
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